Innovative Research Programs

Our university hospital team (CHU Grenoble Alpes - University Grenoble Alpes) participates in numerous fundamental and applied research programs. The team has obtained grants and funding from many institutions (APR ANSES, AO INVS). The EPSP research unit is directed by Dr. Christine Demeilliers.

The research theme focuses on the detection, evaluation, understanding, and modeling of occupational and environmental health risks to optimize their prevention and reduce the incidence of associated pathologies. Scientific targets include public health, biomarkers of exposure and effects, understanding the molecular mechanisms involved, spatial epidemiology, and biomathematics. Research on environmental determinants of population health is part of the national proposals of the National Health and Environment Plans (PNSE) and the Health and Work Plans (PST).

The two main research axes are:

  • Assessment of environmental and occupational exposures
  • Assessment of environmental and occupational health risks

For more information, visit the website of our university research team:

Scientific publications

Here are some of our latest scientific publications.

  • El Hajjar M, Maître A, Marques M, Persoons R, Demeilliers C. Metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene after low-dose subchronic exposure to an industrial mixture of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rats: a cocktail effect study. Arch Toxicol. 2023 Mar;97(3):865-874.
  • Jeanjean M, Goix S, Dron J, Periot M, Austruy A, Douib K, Persoons R, Etienne MP, Revenko G, Chamaret P. Influence of environmental and dietary exposures on metals accumulation among the residents of a major industrial harbour (Fos-sur-Mer, France). J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2022 Sep;73:127021.
  • Valière M, Petit P, Persoons R, Demeilliers C, Maître A. Consistency between air and biological monitoring for assessing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure and cancer risk of workers. Environ Res. 2022 May 1;207:112268.
  • Pautasso L, Montlevier S, Maitre A, Persoons R. Surveillance biologique de l’exposition aux métaux et HAP en métallurgie et recommandations de prévention. Arch Mal Prof Environ March 2022 Volume 83, Issue 2, 88-99.
  • Marques M, Maitre A, Choisnard L, Demeilliers C, Persoons R. Simultaneous analysis of PAH urinary mono- and dihydroxylated metabolites by GC-MS-MS following SPE and two-stage derivatization. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2021 Nov;413(27):6823-6835.
  • Petit P, Maître A, Bicout DJ. A consensus approach for estimating health risk: Application to inhalation cancer risks. Environ Res. 2021 May;196:110436.
  • Persoons R, Roseau L, Petit P, Hograindleur C, Montlevier S, Marques M, Ottoni G, Maitre A. Towards a recommended biomonitoring strategy for assessing the occupational exposure of roofers to PAHs. Toxicol Lett. 2020 May 15;324:54-64.
  • von Koschembahr A, Youssef A, Béal D, Bourgart E, Rivier A, Marques M, Leccia MT, Giot JP, Maitre A, Douki T. Metabolism and genotoxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in human skin explants: mixture effects and modulation by sunlight. Arch Toxicol. 2020 Feb;94(2):495-507.


Several members of our university hospital team teach in the following programs:

  • Master's 2 in Environment, Health, Toxicology, Ecotoxicology (Head: Dr. C. Demeilliers)
  • DES in Occupational Medicine
  • Inter-university diploma in Medical Practices in Occupational Health for the training of collaborating physicians
  • Inter-university diploma in Occupational Health Nursing
  • Engineering school at Polytech Grenoble, specializing in Risk Management